In Sundarban National Park in West Bengal, the tiger makes his round with an unmatched stealth and grace. The air feels wet and damp, while the silence is interrupted by the melodious singing of birds and roar of motor boats. Inside these world’s largest mangrove forests, creeks and tributaries form an intricate system of networks. Sometimes, they meet each other, and at others, wander off elsewhere. Tourists out on a boat ride are given their money’s worth while crossing them. Even though you are unaware, the big cat and saltwater crocodile observe you at all times, watching every step you make. However, sometimes, look up, as there is action on the trees too. A variety of birds, from brahminy kite to whistling teals, call this their home, and declare that from time to time with a loud cry, song or chirp.The Sunderban National Park is many things at once, a biosphere reserve, national park and tiger reserve, such is the richness of this mangrove ecosystem. What we commonly call Sunderbans is actually a large delta spread across 40,000 sq. km between India and Bangladesh! Just to give you an idea of how vast it really is, consider this. It stretches from River Hooghly in West Bengal, India, all the way to River Baleswar in Bangladesh. In this UNESCO World Heritage Site (it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987), the mangrove trees stand lazily on the mudflats, which are visible during low tides, and submerged in height tide. Its name means “beautiful forests” in the local language, and it is not hard to figure why. Another reasons are the Sundari trees, which are dominant in this mangrove area. Their uniqueness lies in their roots which shoot upwards for respiration, particularly during waterlogging during monsoons.
Sunderban mangroves form part of the largest mangrove system of the Indian subcontinent with a tiger population in a distinct ecological setting. These forests have saltwater crocodiles, estuarine and marine turtles, and a number of bird species.